Last updated: 2023-08-29

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: DEPDC5_D62_Analysis/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    output/D62_dds_matrix.RData
    Ignored:    output/D62_mdsplots.RData

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File Version Author Date Message
html 9dd12f1 achiocch 2023-08-29 wflow_publish(c("./analysis/", "code/"), all = T)
html 20e7956 achiocch 2023-07-31 Build site.
Rmd 6cbb9a0 achiocch 2023-07-25 plots fro publication added
Rmd c1f2468 achiocch 2022-10-11 sets the installation procedure in the readme
html a7c5f57 achiocch 2022-10-10 fix intaller
Rmd 3f72d3a Andreas Geburtig-Chiocchetti 2022-08-26 full analysis pre manuscript version
html 3f72d3a Andreas Geburtig-Chiocchetti 2022-08-26 full analysis pre manuscript version
html ddade00 achiocch 2022-08-19 Build site.
Rmd 4bd303c achiocch 2022-08-19 wflow_publish(c("./*"))
Rmd 974c39d achiocch 2022-08-18 wflow_publish(c("./*"))
html 974c39d achiocch 2022-08-18 wflow_publish(c("./*"))
html dc78d32 Andreas Geburtig-Chiocchetti 2022-08-09 full analysis pre manuscript version
Rmd f249225 achiocch 2022-08-08 adds data and code


soft thresholding

Allowing multi-threading with up to 16 threads.
dds2 = DESeq(ddsMat)
using pre-existing size factors
estimating dispersions
found already estimated dispersions, replacing these
gene-wise dispersion estimates
mean-dispersion relationship
final dispersion estimates
fitting model and testing
vsd = getVarianceStabilizedData(dds2)

WGCNA_matrix <- t(log2(vsd+1)) #Need to transform for further calculations

#s = abs(bicor(WGCNA_matrix)) #biweight mid-correlation
powers = c(c(1:10), seq(from = 12, to=20, by=2))
sft = pickSoftThreshold(WGCNA_matrix, powerVector = powers, verbose = 5)
pickSoftThreshold: will use block size 3258.
 pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers...
   ..working on genes 1 through 3258 of 13731
   ..working on genes 3259 through 6516 of 13731
   ..working on genes 6517 through 9774 of 13731
   ..working on genes 9775 through 13032 of 13731
   ..working on genes 13033 through 13731 of 13731
   Power SFT.R.sq  slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
1      1    0.234 -0.862          0.909 2910.00  2.82e+03   4940
2      2    0.827 -1.350          0.978  983.00  8.49e+02   2630
3      3    0.935 -1.470          0.984  425.00  3.07e+02   1700
4      4    0.949 -1.490          0.971  216.00  1.24e+02   1230
5      5    0.949 -1.480          0.963  124.00  5.48e+01    945
6      6    0.946 -1.450          0.956   77.20  2.56e+01    759
7      7    0.938 -1.420          0.948   51.50  1.26e+01    627
8      8    0.943 -1.390          0.955   36.10  6.42e+00    530
9      9    0.937 -1.360          0.952   26.40  3.40e+00    456
10    10    0.943 -1.330          0.959   19.90  1.84e+00    397
11    12    0.938 -1.300          0.963   12.20  5.84e-01    311
12    14    0.937 -1.270          0.969    8.08  1.99e-01    251
13    16    0.939 -1.250          0.974    5.62  7.26e-02    207
14    18    0.932 -1.250          0.970    4.06  2.83e-02    174
15    20    0.931 -1.250          0.973    3.03  1.15e-02    148
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
cex1 = 0.9;
plot(sft$fitIndices[,1], -sign(sft$fitIndices[,3])*sft$fitIndices[,2],
     xlab="Soft Threshold (power)",ylab="Scale Free Topology Model Fit, signed R^2",
     type="n", main = paste("Scale independence"));
text(sft$fitIndices[,1], -sign(sft$fitIndices[,3])*sft$fitIndices[,2],

plot(sft$fitIndices[,1], sft$fitIndices[,5],xlab="Soft Threshold (power)",ylab="Mean Connectivity", type="n",main = paste("Mean connectivity"))
text(sft$fitIndices[,1], sft$fitIndices[,5], labels=powers, cex=cex1,col="red")

Identify Gene Modules

softPower = 6;

# The point where the curve flattens
#calclute the adjacency matrix

if(reanalyze | !file.exists(paste0(output,"/D62_WGCNA_adj_TOM.RData"))){
  #adj= adjacency(WGCNA_matrix,type = "unsigned", power = softPower);
  #Converting adjacency matrix into To so that the noise could be reduced
  TOM=TOMsimilarityFromExpr(WGCNA_matrix,networkType = "unsigned", 
                            TOMType = "unsigned", power = softPower);
  save(list = c(
    "TOM"), file=paste0(output,"/D62_WGCNA_adj_TOM.RData"))
} else {
TOM calculation: adjacency..
..will not use multithreading.
 Fraction of slow calculations: 0.000000
..matrix multiplication (system BLAS)..

colnames(TOM) =rownames(TOM) =SubGeneNames
diag(dissTOM) = 0

#hierarchical clustering
geneTree = flashClust(as.dist(dissTOM),method="average");

#plot the resulting clustering tree (dendrogram)
# plot(geneTree, xlab="", sub="",cex=0.3, main="Module clustering prio to merging");

#Set the minimum module size
minModuleSize = 50;

#Module identification using dynamic tree cut
dynamicMods = cutreeDynamic(dendro = geneTree, 
                            distM = dissTOM, 
                            cutHeight = 0.998,
                            minClusterSize = minModuleSize,
                            pamRespectsDendro = T)
#the following command gives the module labels and the size of each module. Lable 0 is reserved for unassigned genes

#Plot the module assignment under the dendrogram; note: The grey color is reserved for unassigned genes
dynamicColors = labels2colors(dynamicMods)
    black      blue     brown     green      grey       red turquoise    yellow 
      276      2306      1716      1024       404       658      6000      1347 
plotDendroAndColors(geneTree, dynamicColors, "Dynamic Tree Cut", 
                    dendroLabels = FALSE, hang = 0.03, 
                    addGuide = TRUE, 
                    guideHang = 0.05, 
                    main = "Gene dendrogram and module colors")

diag(dissTOM) = NA;
#Visualize the Tom plot. Raise the dissimilarity matrix to the power of 4 to bring out the module structure
TOMplot(dissTOM^4, geneTree, as.character(dynamicColors), main="weighted distance of Topological overlap Matrix")

Module eigengenes

Identify and Merge correlated modules

#calculate eigengenes
MEList = moduleEigengenes(WGCNA_matrix, colors = dynamicColors)
MEs = MEList$eigengenes 

plotEigengeneNetworks(MEs, "Eigengenes_before_merging", 
                      marDendro = c(0,4,1,2), marHeatmap = c(3,4,1,2))

MEList_new = mergeCloseModules(WGCNA_matrix, colors = dynamicColors, MEs = MEs, cutHeight = 0.05)
 mergeCloseModules: Merging modules whose distance is less than 0.05
   Calculating new MEs...
plotEigengeneNetworks(MEList_new$newMEs, "Eigengenes_after_merging", 
                      marDendro = c(0,4,1,2), marHeatmap = c(3,4,1,2))

MEs = MEList_new$newMEs

coldata_all = colData(ddsMat) %>% %>% 
  select(-grep("ME", colnames(colData(ddsMat)), value = T)) %>% 
  cbind(MEs[colnames(ddsMat),]) %>% DataFrame()

colData(ddsMat) = coldata_all

colors_new = MEList_new$colors

mcols(ddsMat) = cbind(mcols(ddsMat)%>% %>% select(-contains("cluster")), data.frame(cluster=colors_new)) %>% DataFrame()

Heatmaps MEs

#colors for plotting heatmap
colors <- rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Spectral"))(255))

gRNAcol = Dark8[c(1:nlevels(SampleInfo$gRNA))+nlevels(SampleInfo$CellLine)]
names(gRNAcol) = levels(SampleInfo$gRNA)

diffcol = brewer.pal(3,"Set1")[1:nlevels(SampleInfo$DIFF)]
names(diffcol) = levels(SampleInfo$DIFF)

rapacol = brewer.pal(3,"Set2")[1:nlevels(SampleInfo$RAPA)]
names(rapacol) = levels(SampleInfo$RAPA)

clustcol = gplots::col2hex(unique(as.character(mcols(ddsMat)$cluster)))
names(clustcol) = unique(as.character(mcols(ddsMat)$cluster))

rownames(WGCNA_matrix)=SampleInfo[rownames(WGCNA_matrix), "label_rep"]

ann_colors = list(
  DIFF = diffcol, 
  RAPA = rapacol,
  gRNA = gRNAcol,
  cluster = clustcol)

idx=order(SampleInfo$gRNA, SampleInfo$DIFF,SampleInfo$RAPA)
WGCNA_matrix_sorted=WGCNA_matrix[SampleInfo$label_rep[idx], order(colors_new)]

collabels = SampleInfo[idx,c("gRNA","DIFF", "RAPA")] %>%  
  mutate_all(as.character) %>%


genlabels = data.frame(cluster = as.character(colors_new)[order(colors_new)])
rownames(genlabels) = colnames(WGCNA_matrix_sorted)

MElabels = data.frame(cluster = gsub("ME", "",colnames(MEs)))
rownames(MElabels) = colnames(MEs)

clustcol = gplots::col2hex(unique(as.character(MElabels$cluster)))
names(clustcol) = as.character(MElabels$cluster)

ann_colors = list(
  DIFF = diffcol, 
  RAPA = rapacol,
  gRNA = gRNAcol,
  cluster = clustcol)

rownames(MEs) = SampleInfo[rownames(MEs),"label_rep"]

         border_color = NA, 
         annotation_row = MElabels,
         annotation_col = collabels,
         cluster_cols = F,
         show_rownames = F, show_colnames = F,
         clustering_method = "ward.D2",
         annotation_colors = ann_colors,
         breaks  = seq(-2, 2,length.out=255),
         col = colors, 
         main = "eigengene values")

SampleInfo =
MEMat = SampleInfo[,grep("ME", colnames(SampleInfo))]

## helper functions#test differences
testit=function(Dataset, samples = Set, 
  data = Dataset[samples,]
  for(i in grep("ME", colnames(data), value = T)){
    res[[i]]=lm(as.formula(paste0(i,"~1+",depvar)), data)

# extract coefficents
  res = summary(x)$coefficients[2,]

# comparisonME
comparisonME = function(SampleInfo, Set, target){
  LMlist=testit(Dataset = SampleInfo, samples = Set, depvar=target)
  coeff =, getcoefff) %>%, .))
  coeff$padj = p.adjust(coeff$`Pr(>|t|)`, "bonferroni")

## comparisons against noRAPA NTC
Rapamycin=c("noRAPA", "RAPA")
Differentiation=c("noDIFF", "DIFF")

r = Rapamycin[1]
d = Differentiation[1]
Tp = Type_sgRNA[[1]]

# no random effects included 
for(r in Rapamycin){
  Rapafilter = SampleInfo$RAPA %in% r
  for(d in Differentiation){
    Difffilter = SampleInfo$DIFF %in% d
    for(Tp in Type_sgRNA){
      sgRNAfilter = SampleInfo$gRNA %in% Tp
      vs_label=paste0(c("sgNTC", Tp), sep="", collapse="_")
        Set = rownames(SampleInfo)[Rapafilter&Difffilter&
        Set = c(Set, rownames(SampleInfo)[SampleInfo$RAPA == "noRAPA" & Difffilter&
                                     SampleInfo$gRNA == "sgNTC"])
        lab = paste("restabWGCNA", "D62_NTCnoRAPA", vs_label, d,r, sep="_")
        assign(lab, comparisonME(SampleInfo, Set, target))

# comparison agains RAPANTC
Rapamycin=c("noRAPA", "RAPA")
Differentiation=c("noDIFF", "DIFF")
Type_sgRNA<-list(c("sgNTC","sg2.1"),c("sgNTC", "sg2.2"))

# comparison agains RAPANTC
for(r in Rapamycin){
  Rapafilter = SampleInfo$RAPA %in% r
  for(d in Differentiation){
    Difffilter = SampleInfo$DIFF %in% d
    for(Tp in Type_sgRNA){
      sgRNAfilter = SampleInfo$gRNA %in% Tp
      vs_label=paste0(Tp, sep="", collapse="_")
        Set = rownames(SampleInfo)[Rapafilter&Difffilter&
        lab = paste("restabWGCNA", "D62_NTCwRAPA", vs_label, d,r, sep="_")
        assign(lab, comparisonME(SampleInfo, Set, target))

comparisons= apropos("restabWGCNA_D62")
save(list = comparisons, file = paste0(home,"/output/D62_ResTabs_WGCNA.RData"))
MEIds = rownames(get(apropos("restabWGCNA")[1]))

getWGCNAoutputs = function(targetline="D62",targetdiff,
                           targetrapa, refset="NTCnoRAPA", plotset=T){
    samplesincl=SampleInfo$DIFF==targetdiff &
      SampleInfo$RAPA==targetrapa &  
      SampleInfo$KO == "KO"
    samplesincl = samplesincl | (SampleInfo$DIFF==targetdiff &
      SampleInfo$RAPA=="noRAPA" &  
      SampleInfo$KO == "WT")} else {
        samplesincl=SampleInfo$DIFF==targetdiff &
  pvalrep=  get(paste0("restabWGCNA_", 
                       targetline,"_",refset, "_sgNTC_sg2.1_", 
                       targetdiff, "_" , 
                       targetrapa))$padj<=mypval &
               targetline, "_",refset, "_sgNTC_sg2.2_", 
               targetdiff, "_" , 
  betarep = apply(cbind(get(paste0("restabWGCNA_", 
                                   targetline, "_",refset, "_sgNTC_sg2.1_", 
                                   targetdiff, "_" , 
                                   targetline, "_",refset, "_sgNTC_sg2.2_", 
                                   targetdiff, "_" , 
                                   targetrapa))$Estimate), 1,
  idx=which(betarep & pvalrep)
    Module = MEIds, 
    beta_2.1 = get(paste0("restabWGCNA_", 
                          targetline,"_",refset,  "_sgNTC_sg2.1_", 
                          targetdiff, "_" , 
    bonferroni_2.1 = get(paste0("restabWGCNA_", 
                                targetline, "_",refset, "_sgNTC_sg2.1_", 
                                targetdiff, "_" , 
    beta_2.2 = get(paste0("restabWGCNA_", 
                          targetline,"_",refset,  "_sgNTC_sg2.2_", 
                          targetdiff, "_" , 
    bonferroni_2.2 = get(paste0("restabWGCNA_", 
                                targetline, "_",refset, "_sgNTC_sg2.2_", 
                                targetdiff, "_" , 
  write.xlsx(restab, file=paste0(output, "/Restab_", 
                                 targetline,"_",refset, "_", 
                                 targetdiff, "_",
                                 targetrapa, ".xlsx"))
  SamplesSet=SampleInfo[samplesincl,] %>% select(all_of(hits))
  EigengenePlot(SamplesSet, SampleInfo, samplesincl)}

Eigengene plots all modules

EigengenePlot(data=SampleInfo[,grep("ME", colnames(SampleInfo))],
              Sampledata = SampleInfo, 
              samplesincl=rep(T, nrow(SampleInfo)))

WGCNA module plots only D62

KO effect in noDIFF noRAPA


getWGCNAoutputs(targetdiff = "noDIFF",targetrapa = "noRAPA", plotset = T)
       Module    beta_2.1 bonferroni_2.1     beta_2.2 bonferroni_2.2
1       MEred  0.34049833   0.0009947568 -0.009847209   1.000000e+00
2     MEbrown -0.28206000   0.0003735108 -0.058385040   2.518703e-02
3      MEblue -0.33523842   0.0022606324  0.002375805   1.000000e+00
4     MEgreen -0.32410775   0.0022396816 -0.008367778   1.000000e+00
5     MEblack -0.11039767   0.0079997639 -0.069518536   7.682637e-05
6 MEturquoise  0.01696263   0.3861421012  0.004109875   1.101362e-01
7    MEyellow -0.29617673   0.0084866670 -0.005792508   1.000000e+00
8      MEgrey -0.18704459   1.0000000000 -0.040649469   1.000000e+00

KO effect in DIFF noRAPA


getWGCNAoutputs(targetdiff = "DIFF",targetrapa = "noRAPA", plotset = T)
       Module    beta_2.1 bonferroni_2.1    beta_2.2 bonferroni_2.2
1       MEred -0.31000479   0.0005785977 -0.01738949   1.000000e+00
2     MEbrown  0.28494983   0.0009531967  0.26751850   1.186855e-03
3      MEblue  0.35131310   0.0004080748  0.05345781   9.457238e-01
4     MEgreen  0.33612032   0.0016021205  0.06979599   9.492983e-01
5     MEblack  0.24588372   0.0018629558  0.51251646   5.187381e-05
6 MEturquoise -0.03377917   0.1895466925 -0.04773828   3.723205e-02
7    MEyellow  0.24513519   0.0018442002  0.03527412   5.519585e-01
8      MEgrey -0.14601285   1.0000000000 -0.11812970   1.000000e+00

KO effect in noDIFF RAPA


getWGCNAoutputs(targetdiff = "noDIFF",targetrapa = "RAPA", refset = "NTCwRAPA" , plotset = T)
       Module     beta_2.1 bonferroni_2.1     beta_2.2 bonferroni_2.2
1       MEred  0.063701420    1.000000000 -0.007754679     1.00000000
2     MEbrown -0.082873602    1.000000000 -0.028123938     1.00000000
3      MEblue -0.073531605    1.000000000  0.038619733     1.00000000
4     MEgreen -0.071292095    1.000000000  0.029769245     1.00000000
5     MEblack -0.094069613    0.006916798 -0.060935174     0.02118051
6 MEturquoise  0.005791482    1.000000000 -0.006929335     1.00000000
7    MEyellow -0.050955126    1.000000000 -0.013454312     1.00000000
8      MEgrey -0.120824426    0.609904240 -0.107417138     1.00000000
getWGCNAoutputs(targetdiff = "noDIFF",targetrapa = "RAPA", refset = "NTCnoRAPA" , plotset = T)
       Module     beta_2.1 bonferroni_2.1     beta_2.2 bonferroni_2.2
1       MEred  0.172550699     0.91485849  0.101094599     1.00000000
2     MEbrown  0.062588843     1.00000000  0.117338508     0.39737331
3      MEblue -0.145985884     1.00000000 -0.033834546     1.00000000
4     MEgreen -0.108069293     1.00000000 -0.007007953     1.00000000
5     MEblack -0.058527235     0.03022928 -0.025392796     0.28882806
6 MEturquoise -0.003593694     1.00000000 -0.016314511     0.04912674
7    MEyellow -0.161668997     0.38875014 -0.124168183     1.00000000
8      MEgrey -0.137741921     0.84785240 -0.124334633     1.00000000

KO effect in DIFF RAPA


getWGCNAoutputs(targetdiff = "DIFF",targetrapa = "RAPA", refset = "NTCwRAPA" , plotset = T)
       Module    beta_2.1 bonferroni_2.1    beta_2.2 bonferroni_2.2
1       MEred -0.02196168    1.000000000 -0.04280098     1.00000000
2     MEbrown  0.06846119    1.000000000  0.14037625     1.00000000
3      MEblue  0.04906314    1.000000000  0.08871593     1.00000000
4     MEgreen  0.03845811    1.000000000  0.01787810     1.00000000
5     MEblack  0.20084728    0.003557251  0.27884853     0.01207385
6 MEturquoise  0.02340289    0.799383362  0.01486376     1.00000000
7    MEyellow  0.00412049    1.000000000  0.04545928     1.00000000
8      MEgrey -0.13340904    0.743595737 -0.18919134     0.58800950
getWGCNAoutputs(targetdiff = "DIFF",targetrapa = "RAPA", refset = "NTCnoRAPA" , plotset = T)
       Module     beta_2.1 bonferroni_2.1     beta_2.2 bonferroni_2.2
1       MEred -0.294763402      0.2542855 -0.315602699      0.4472014
2     MEbrown  0.100193723      1.0000000  0.172108789      0.5446000
3      MEblue  0.291478418      0.3637644  0.331131204      0.6093049
4     MEgreen  0.202459592      0.7402675  0.181879584      1.0000000
5     MEblack  0.047129344      0.6176020  0.125130599      0.2148778
6 MEturquoise  0.003062091      1.0000000 -0.005477041      1.0000000
7    MEyellow  0.277153407      0.1630285  0.318492193      0.1866296
8      MEgrey -0.240546841      1.0000000 -0.296329138      0.9021750

KO additional Plots for better visulization

dataset=SampleInfo[,grep("brown|black", colnames(SampleInfo))]
idx=order(SampleInfo$RAPA, SampleInfo$gRNA)
SampleInfosort = SampleInfo[idx,]

              Sampledata = SampleInfosort, 

              Sampledata = SampleInfosort, 

gene_univers = rownames(ddsMat)

Genes_of_interset = split(rownames(ddsMat), mcols(ddsMat)$cluster)

gostres = getGOresults(Genes_of_interset, gene_univers, evcodes = T)

toptab = gostres$result

write.xlsx(toptab, file = paste0(output,"/D62_GOresWGCNA.xlsx"), sheetName = "GO_enrichment")

for (module in names(Genes_of_interset)){
  idx = toptab$query==module & grepl("GO", toptab$source)
    p = ggplot() + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 25, size=4, 
                            label = "no significant GO term") + 
      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  } else {
    p=GOplot(toptab[idx, ], 10, Title =module)

Warning: Removed 10 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

save(ddsMat, file=paste0(output,"/D62_dds_matrix.RData"))

R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.utf8  LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=German_Germany.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C                   
[5] LC_TIME=German_Germany.utf8    

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] openxlsx_4.2.5              gprofiler2_0.2.1           
 [3] flashClust_1.01-2           WGCNA_1.71                 
 [5] fastcluster_1.2.3           dynamicTreeCut_1.63-1      
 [7] knitr_1.42                  DESeq2_1.36.0              
 [9] SummarizedExperiment_1.26.1 Biobase_2.56.0             
[11] MatrixGenerics_1.8.1        matrixStats_0.63.0         
[13] GenomicRanges_1.48.0        GenomeInfoDb_1.32.4        
[15] IRanges_2.30.1              S4Vectors_0.34.0           
[17] BiocGenerics_0.42.0         pheatmap_1.0.12            
[19] RColorBrewer_1.1-3          compareGroups_4.5.1        
[21] forcats_1.0.0               stringr_1.5.0              
[23] dplyr_1.1.0                 purrr_1.0.1                
[25] readr_2.1.3                 tidyr_1.3.0                
[27] tibble_3.1.8                ggplot2_3.4.0              
[29] tidyverse_1.3.2             kableExtra_1.3.4           
[31] workflowr_1.7.0            

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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[100] cli_3.4.1              parallel_4.2.0         pkgconfig_2.0.3       
[103] getPass_0.2-2          foreign_0.8-82         plotly_4.10.1         
[106] xml2_1.3.3             foreach_1.5.2          svglite_2.1.1         
[109] annotate_1.74.0        bslib_0.4.2            webshot_0.5.3         
[112] XVector_0.36.0         rvest_1.0.3            callr_3.7.3           
[115] digest_0.6.31          Biostrings_2.64.1      rmarkdown_2.20        
[118] cellranger_1.1.0       htmlTable_2.4.1        gdtools_0.2.4         
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[124] viridisLite_0.4.1      fansi_1.0.4            pillar_1.8.1          
[127] lattice_0.20-45        KEGGREST_1.36.3        fastmap_1.1.0         
[130] httr_1.4.4             survival_3.4-0         GO.db_3.15.0          
[133] glue_1.6.2             zip_2.2.2              png_0.1-7             
[136] iterators_1.0.14       bit_4.0.5              stringi_1.7.12        
[139] sass_0.4.5             blob_1.2.3             caTools_1.18.2        
[142] latticeExtra_0.6-30    memoise_2.0.1